Enrichment for Children

COSMOS summer camp provides high school students a 
chance to live on campus, attend lectures by faculty, and
experience hands-on science.


School-aged summer camps with a variety of enrichment activities including athletics and STEM programs are available through the Santa Cruz area.

University Activities 

  • Tours of the on-campus UC Santa Cruz farm are available every first Sunday of the month from April to November.
  • UC Santa Cruz greenhouses are located on the roof of Thimann and are open to the public on weekdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  • Visit the koi pond located in Porter College near the D-building College Office. The office has fish food available during business hours. 
  • The Seymour Marine Discovery Center is a UC Santa Cruz education center where children can touch a shark and chat with marine biologists. 
  • UC Santa Cruz’s Multicultural Children’s Literacy Library is located on the 4th floor of McHenry Library. The Science & Engineering Library also hosts a collection of cookbooks.