Students as Parents
Resources for student parents at UCSC
Welcome to the Banana Slug community, student parents! We recognize the strength and resilience you bring to UC Santa Cruz, and we are committed to helping you succeed both as a student and as a parent. Explore the sections below to find information about childcare, housing, health and wellness resources, navigating campus, making connections in the community, and more.

Priority enrollment
UCSC students who have dependents under the age of 18 are eligible to receive priority enrollment.
Please see the UCSC Academic Calendar for the priority enrollment dates for each quarter.

UCSC Family Student Housing
Family Student Housing (FSH, pronounced “FiSH”) is subsidized on-campus housing for students with families. This family-centered community offers services and programs that support undergraduate and graduate students balancing academic, family and social needs, and hosts community events open to all students who are parents. Follow @ucsc_fsh on Instagram to learn about upcoming events and opportunities to connect.
Off Campus Housing Resources
Community Rentals is UCSC’s official off-campus housing information source. Explore the site for resources to help your search, including the free, online Renters Workshop, tips for creating a rental application packet, and Santa Cruz area rental listings.
Once you find a place, remember to visit the resources for living in a rental, including checklists for move-in and move-out, legal resources, and more.
Childcare and schools
UCSC Early Education Services
Early Education Services on campus serves children of UC Santa Cruz students from (currently) 18 months to school age. The center is located within Family Student Housing. Many families qualify for subsidized care.
Off-campus childcare
The Santa Cruz County Office of Education Child Development Resource Center can help families find childcare off-campus.
Santa Cruz area schools
For information about K-12 schools in the area, please visit the Santa Cruz County School Districts website.
Food resources
Family Student Housing food pantries
Within Family Student Housing:
- Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 4:00-6:00 PM in the Community Room (located in the building west of the Family Student Housing office).
- Open to all Santa Cruz residents
UCSC Basic Needs food resources
UCSC Basic Needs has information about on-campus and off-campus food resources, including food pantries, farmers markets, and more.
- On-campus food resources include food pantries, produce pop-ups, and Cowell Coffee Shop, a non-transactional cafe.
- Off-campus food resources, including Santa Cruz area food pantries and farmers markets.
The CalFresh Program helps low-income households increase their food-buying power to meet their household’s nutritional needs. The program issues monthly benefits on an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. Food may be purchased at any grocery store (including Merrill Market and Porter Market on campus) or farmers market that accepts EBT cards.
Learn more about the CalFresh application process on the UCSC Basic Needs website. To get help applying with on-campus ambassadors, contact calfresh@ucsc.edu.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program provides nutritious foods, nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referrals to health care and social services for millions of low-income families. You may qualify if you receive Medi-Cal, CalWORKs, or CalFresh benefits.
WIC welcomes military families, migrant families, fathers, foster parents and legal guardians with eligible children. Participating in the WIC program does not affect the immigration status of anyone currently in the U.S. Use the WIC eligibility assessment tool to see if you qualify.
Visit the Santa Cruz County WIC Program hub at Community Bridges or email WICGeneral@cbridges.org to learn more and apply.

Services for Transfer Re-Entry and Resilient Scholars (STARRS)
STARRS provides resources, referrals, and support for UCSC student parents, including mentoring, internships, scholarships, an emergency gift card program, and more. Come visit us on the 2nd floor of the Bay Tree Building in Quarry Plaza. We have a comfy lounge equipped with study spaces, a computer lab with FREE printing, testing materials, and a personal care pantry!
Contact starsprograms@ucsc.edu to learn more.

Need immediate help with essential needs?
If you are facing housing insecurity and are in need of immediate housing, please contact our Slug Support Team.
If you are experiencing a basic needs crisis (i.e., immediate food or housing insecurity as well as health and safety concerns), please call our crisis line at 831-459-7003 Monday to Friday between 9 a.m.–5 p.m.
The California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) program offers temporary cash aid assistance, nutrition benefits, employment services and health insurance to eligible families who have children under age 18 or who are graduating before they turn 19.
CalWORKs provides time-limited cash payments to families with children under 18 when one or both parents is absent, disabled, deceased or unemployed. If eligible for CalWORKs you automatically qualify for Medi-Cal and may also qualify for CalFresh.
To learn more, visit the County of Santa Cruz Human Services CalWORKS page.
Health and wellness
Emergency health care
Please note that emergency care is not available at the UCSC Cowell Student Health Center. See information on domestic abuse help, urgent care centers, and Santa Cruz and Watsonville hospitals.
UC SHIP Health insurance
UC SHIP is the University of California Student Health Insurance Plan. Students can add dependents to their UC SHIP plan, and there are pregnancy and maternal benefits. Review details about medical benefits and coverage on the UC SHIP website.
- Students can also consider applying for California state insurance for their dependents. UC Santa Cruz health case managers are available to help apply. Contact the CAPS front desk at (831) 459-2628.
UCSC Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
UC Santa Cruz’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides free, confidential counseling services for UC Santa Cruz students who are parents. Services include individual, couples, and family counseling, counseling groups, the Let’s Talk Drop-In Program, and Therapy Assistance Online (TAO), an online program that helps students manage stress and anxiety. To learn more, contact CAPS central office at (831) 459-2628.

Diaper Assistance Program
A student-led initiative, the Diaper Assistance Program at Redwood Free Market provides student parents with diapers and wipes. During its inaugural year, 23 UCSC student parents utilized the program, and there are plans to expand in the coming year.
Want to take part? Fill out the DAP interest form.

Financial aid
Cal Grants (A and B)
The State Cal Grants (A and B) are awarded by the California Student Aid Commission to California residents who meet eligibility requirements, and who demonstrate financial need and academic achievement. Students can be awarded for up to a maximum of 4 years, with the maximum award amount equivalent to tuition and fees.
For students who have dependent children under the age of 18, an additional annual award is available. Read more about these two programs and how to apply for financial aid.
Childcare reimbursement
Graduate students who are either a Graduate Student Researcher (GSR) or Teaching Assistant (TA) (aka Academic Student Employee) can be eligible for the Childcare Reimbursement Program.
California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC)
If you work and have low income, you may qualify for the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC). This credit gives you a refund or reduces your tax owed. If you qualify for CalEITC and have a child under the age of 6, you may also qualify for the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC). Together, these state credits can put hundreds or even thousands of dollars in your pocket. Filing your state tax return is required to claim both of these credits.
Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)
If you qualify for CalEITC and have a child under the age of 6, you may also qualify for a refundable tax credit of up to $1000 through the Young Child Tax Credit (YCTC)! If you qualify, you may see a reduced tax bill or a bigger refund. Use the CalEITC calculator to see if you qualify and estimate the amount of your credit.

UCSC Student Parent Organization
The UCSC Student Parent Organization aims to support student parents, promote advocacy, bridge the gap between on-and off- campus parents, and build community among student parents. Follow @ucsc_spo on Instagram for announcements about upcoming events and opportunities to connect with fellow parenting Slugs.
Be sure to fill out an intake form to join the organization, and contact UCSC SPO at ucscspo@gmail.com with any questions.

Pregnant and parenting students rights
If you are a pregnant or parenting student, Title IX protects you from discrimination at UC Santa Cruz. You have the right to reasonable accommodations, protection from discrimination, and support in continuing your academic journey. Visit the Title IX website for more details on your rights and available resources.
Lactation rooms
UCSC Lactation rooms
The UC Santa Cruz interactive campus map includes a button (see map navigation menu), which links to a map with all of the current lactation room locations. Click on each location to learn about individual spaces, including hours of operation and notes if appropriate about access.
Please note that some lactation rooms require a key from an administrator to access. Others are only available during office hours, or are only available to staff members.
Women’s Center
The UC Santa Cruz Women’s Center, located at the Cardiff House near the base of campus, provides a child-friendly space for those seeking additional resources. The Center also has a comfortable, walk-in lactation room open to all students.
Activities and enrichment opportunities
Summer Camps
School-age summer camps with a variety of enrichment activities including athletics and STEM programs are available throughout the Santa Cruz area.
The UCSC Farm and Alan Chadwick Garden are open to the public daily. The farm also hosts family-friendly events and free tours throughout the year. Check out the Center for Agroecology events calendar to see what’s coming up!
UCSC greenhouses
UC Santa Cruz greenhouses are located on the roof of Thimann and are open to the public on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Porter College koi pond
Visit the koi pond located in Porter College near the D-building College Office.
UCSC Multicultural Children’s Literacy Library
UC Santa Cruz’s Multicultural Children’s Literacy Library is located on the 4th floor of McHenry Library. The Science & Engineering Library also hosts a collection of cookbooks.
Seymour Marine Discovery Center
The Seymour Marine Discovery Center is a UC Santa Cruz education center where children can touch a shark and chat with marine biologists.