African, Black, Caribbean Student Success

Coaching sessions delivered
Paid undergraduate research fellowships
ABC students

The Office for African, Black, Caribbean (ABC) Student Success advocates for the holistic success of ABC students. Through assessment and cross campus collaboration, ABC Student Success secures campus-wide strategic initiatives and priorities by addressing equity gaps, climate issues, enrollment, retention and graduation rates of ABC students at University of California Santa Cruz.
Defining Student Success: Regardless of their entry point, each individual is entitled to transformative experiences. Students have the opportunity, privilege, and access to engage in learning and unlearning various definitions of achievement. We are responsible for creating the conditions for students to achieve their self-determined goals, experience validation, develop as contributing members of the community, and expand their possibilities (created by UCSC Student Success and Equity 2023).

Our Strategic Initiatives
ABC Themed Housing Communities
ABC-themed living-learning communities are located at Stevenson College, Oakes College, and Rachel Carson College, and are available to students of any college affiliation. Directly connected to the Office of ABC Student Success and the African American Resource & Cultural Center, these communities intentionally create space for students to feel connected, safer, and supported in a community centered on the experiences of African, Black, Caribbean peoples.
Black Academy
Black Academy is a first year extended orientation program designed to support and guide students in their transition to the university, as well as provide an introduction to the people and resources that will help new students flourish. Black Academy offers activities, workshops, mentorships, and fun social programs to bring first year (frosh, transfer, or graduate) students together and build connections to the greater Black community in Santa Cruz.
Men of Color Healing Association
The Men of Color Healing Association (MOCHA), formerly known as the Black Men’s Initiative is a program designed to assist men of color in their transition and subsequent retention to UC Santa Cruz. MOCHA provides peer mentorship to a cohort of first-year students with 4-5 check-ins per quarter around topics such as academic achievement, financial literacy, university acclimation, mental wellness, and personal support. MOCHA also coordinates campus-wide programming for men of color addressing topics of post-graduation career success, anti-toxic masculinity traits (vulnerability, humility, sexual wellness, relationship wellness, empathy, emotional intelligence, passion, etc.), wellness, and philanthropy.
Contact MOCHA at mocha@ucsc.edu
Pan African Research Fellowship
The Pan-African Research Fellowship is a paid undergraduate fellowship designed for students to conduct research into barrier identification in the areas of ABC student wellness, learning, engagement and career preparation. This pilot program was co-created with ABC students and guided by student research and advocacy goals to achieve more coalition-building between the student body and administrators.
To learn more, please contact abcss@ucsc.edu
Black Girl Doctor Wellness Coaching
The Black Girl Doctor provides virtual wellness coaching for students seeking balance in their academic and personal lives. Black Girl Doctor coaches are trained at the doctoral level, and are affirming of all genders and social identities. These services are free and open to all UCSC students.
USDA Next Gen
To build thriving, resilient social and ecological communities, we must design food and farming systems that foster ecosystem health, adapt to climate change, and demonstrate that attainment of sustainable production, equity, and justice are synergistic goals. In this project, the University of California, Santa Cruz, California State University Monterey Bay, Hartnell College, and the Agriculture & Land-Based Training Association will join forces to train a diverse generation of leaders in Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Human (FANH) sciences.
To learn more, please contact UCSC Agroecology Program Specialist Ximena Moura at xmoura@ucsc.edu
UC-HBCU Initiative
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) have long played a role in providing opportunities for those previously excluded from education. The UC-HBCU Initiative seeks to improve diversity and strengthen UC graduate programs by investing in relationships between UC faculty and HBCUs. To connect on an existing or potential UC-HBCU program please contact us at abcss@ucsc.edu

Meet Our Team
Lenora Willis (she/they)
Executive Director of African, Black, Caribbean Student Success
Autumn Johnson (she/her)
Melissa Chimwaza (she/they)
Retention Specialist: Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate Students
Thaddaeus Mammo (he/him)
Retention Specialist: Frosh, Incoming Transfer, and Sophomore Students